
Want to be a contributing photographer to this blog?

Anyone can contribute to the Where On The Planet blog.  Send Where On The Planet a recent photo of your top secret place.  It doesn't have to be an exotic location, it can just be of your home town.  Someone will recognise your favourite place on the planet.

If you are a professional photographer or author of another blog, I am happy to link back to your webpage or blog.  Just let me know when you send the photos.

All we need is:
  • Your Name
  • Where the photo was taken - in other words, the answer
  • A brief description of why you chose this photo or the story behind the pic

Please don't send a huge file, keep it to a 2 meg limit.

Don't forget the photo has to be identifiable!  Please send all submissions to:


The Fine Print:

All photos sent to Where On The Planet must be taken by the contribting photographer (no breaking any copyright).  The Traveler has the last say on whether to use the photo in the blog Where On The Planet.